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Starting blocks

I began role playing games at the age of 14, when I created custom classes for the game, and ended up devising my own rules (now that I look back, it’s kinda funny…)

Activities and leisure


I took guitar lessons for 5 years and I am still playing at home.


I create role playing adventures weekly, and I test the recently acquired Game Design mechanics, in order to improve myself and the quality of the stories I propose to my players.

Work in the industry


I worked for 1 month at BREAKFIRST as a Game designer on mobile games. I was in charge of the Level design, Game design, QA testing and the creation of pitches to show the potential of our games to investors.


Right now I am working with LA SOURCE, in or​der to design an application. I work on every aspect of this project as a Game Designer. I will work for 6 months on this project, from October.

Associative work


I take time to help the association La nuit tous les chats sont geeks (At night, all cats are geeks) to organise events around gaming.


I am volunteering for events like Octogne or other conventions.


I practiced Judo for 15 years, and participated in tournaments as a contestant or a referee.



After I graduated from High School, I enrolled at BELLECOUR ECOLE where I got a Bachelor of Game Design in 2015.


I am currently perfecting my skills in advanced Game Design in my 2nd year of master's degree.


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